JRLugg Foundation
The JR Lugg Foundation has been set up to achieve three significant goals.The first is to perpetuate the memory of Jonathan, who was only 23 when he died. Despite his suicide, it must be said of Jonathan that he put great energy into his endeavours and with terrific people skills, he really enjoyed life enormously.
Secondly, the foundation seeks to develop and deliver an education program for coaches and others associated with sports teams, to better observe and understand signs of depression in members of their teams.
The final goal relates to the provision of financial support, in the form of a scholarship, to a nominated hockey player from either the Hawthorn Hockey Club or the Old Xaverian’s Hockey Club.

JRLugg Memorial Foundation Annual Hockey Match
Every year the Hawthorn Hockey club and Old Xaverian’s Hockey club come together to play a match in memory of Jonathan Lugg.
In 2024, the match will be held as a tournament with MHSOB & TEM involved. The tournament will take place on Saturday 16 November 11:30am-5:00pm on H-1.
Sausage sizzle and BBQ over the afternoon (gold coin donation). All funds raised will be donated to JR Lugg Memorial Foundation.
Please direct all enquiries to LuggMemorialDayPlayerEnquiry@HawthornHockey.com
Donating to the Foundation
The Hawthorn Hockey Club, the Old Xaverian Hockey Club and the Lugg Family invite you to donate to the Jonathan Lugg Memorial Foundation. Hockey was an important factor in Jono’s life. Following his tragic death, the Clubs sought to establish a Memorial Fund dedicated to his memory.
The monies raised will be used by the Foundation to:
- Perpetuate the memory of Jonathan Lugg;
- Encourage the development of hockey coaches at both clubs;
- Encourage the development of elite hockey players at both clubs;
- Conduct an annual game between both Clubs dedicated to the memory of Jono;
- Provide support and grants towards the promotion of health, mental health and well being amongst the members of the Clubs and, potentially, the Hockey Community.
Donations may be made directly to:
Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account: 205666720
Cheques or pledges may be posted to the Jonathan Lugg Memorial Foundation, GPO Box 214, MELBOURNE VIC 3001.